Kim McNeill joins us to dicuss Thus Were Their Faces, a collection of short stories written by Silvina Ocampo and translated from Spanish by Daniel Balderston. We explore Ocampo's various renditions of cruelty, trace themes and motifs across her career, and use the F-word (feminism).
Follow along with Kim's splendid #NYRBWomen23 project here.
The Levant Trilogy by Olivia Manning
The Tale of Genji
Pilgrimage by Dorothy Richardson
A Chill in the Air by Iris Origo
More Was Lost by Eleanor Perenyi
Sylvia Townsend Warner
Robert Walser
The Corner That Held Them
Victoria Ocampo
Jorge Luis Borges
Adolfo Bioy Casares
City Lights Books
Forgotten Journey
The Promise
Norah Lange
Mariana Enriquez
Remedios Varo
Helen Oyeyemi
Virginia Woolf
"Borges and I"
The Invention of Morel
Lucrecia Martel
Read Cynthia Duncan's article here
Mary Olivier: A Life by May Sinclair
James Joyce
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Dylan and Kassia discuss Howard Sturgis' 1904 novel Belchamber. It follows the coming of age of Sainty, a not-so-average English boy who prefers needlepoint...
Poet and writer Alina Stefanescu joins us to discuss her own pantheon of "tortured poets" in the wake of a pop star's adoption of...
Critic Merve Emre joins us to discuss Oğuz Atay's short story collection Waiting for the Fear, newly translated from Turkish by Ralph Hubbell. These...