NYRB publicist Nick During joins us to discuss Akenfield: Portrait of an English Village by Ronald Blythe, who passed away earlier this year at the age of 100. We talk about the tricky business of categorization, the tension between work and vocation, and the nature of agricultural society.
Massive thank you to John Hoekstra, who composed our theme music.
Edwin Frank
Word from Wormingford
The View in Winter
John Piper
Shell Guides
John Nash
Cedric Morris
Studs Terkel
Matt Weiland
Antony Beevor
Stalingrad by Vasily Grossman
The Red Thread: Twenty Years of NYRB Classics
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Fenwomen: A Portrait of Women in an English Village by Mary Chamberlain
Iris Murdoch
Kim McNeill joins us to dicuss Thus Were Their Faces, a collection of short stories written by Silvina Ocampo and translated from Spanish by...
In this brief clip, publisher Kate Macdonald shares the story of writer T. H. White's most beloved dog, Brownie. In the full episode, we...
Historian Antony Beevor joins us to discuss Stalingrad written by Vasily Grossman and translated from Russian by Robert and Elizabeth Chandler. We talk about...